alzheimer’s care philadelphia

August 25, 2018

Helping loved ones with disorientation and confusion

One of the most common symptoms of dementia or Alzheimer’s is disorientation and confusion. This is due to memory loss associated with the disease, leaving sufferers […]
August 23, 2018

Early signs of Alzheimer’s and how to slow its onset

Alzheimer’s is a scary and uncertain disease that over 5.5 million people in America have been diagnosed with. There are a vast majority of causes for […]
July 14, 2018

What it’s like to live with Alzheimer’s

People who haven’t experienced Alzheimer’s first-hand may think that it’s just a simple case of losing memory. The disease is so much more than that – […]
July 3, 2018

How to Help a Senior with Alzheimer’s

Living with a senior who suffers from Alzheimer’s is not always easy. In fact, it can actually be quite difficult to live with an elderly individual […]
July 1, 2018

Benefits of In-Home Care

When many people are going through their youth, it is often the busiest phases of their lives. During this time, many people rarely find time to […]
May 17, 2018

When to Make the Decision to Hire In-Home Care

Coming to terms with an aging parent and the kinds of steps that need to be taken to deal with the challenges that presents can be […]
May 15, 2018

Why Elder Care Is Ideal for Dementia Patients

Having a loved one struggling with dementia can sometimes be one of the most difficult experiences we have as adults with elderly family members. Often, the […]
April 27, 2018

Ways to Help Alzheimer’s Patients Feel More at Home

People suffering from Alzheimer’s will have trouble remembering every detail of their life, including who they are, who their friends and loved ones are, and what’s […]